Hyatt Lake Campground to CS1765 – 8-10

I got an awfully late start once again today. After waking up late from cold weather and little light in my tent, I found the campground’s many amenities enticing. A proper charging station in the bathroom — fancy!

After paying for my campsite (after the fact — if you follow the hike-in trail to Hyatt Lake’s PCT campsite, you never pass a pay station), I walked out the front gate and was immediately stopped by a woman with a large backpack.

“Can I interest you in some pizza?” she said.

I squirmed. I bit my lip. I couldn’t take the pizza. I’d packed too much food, and any pizza I eat here is extra weight in the un-eaten food in my pack. And besides, I’d already had 3 days in Ashland to satisfy and even exceed my appetite. I politely declined the pizza, somehow, and moved on.

Aside from that, the bulk of the day was pretty run-of-the-mill.

I think this is what the "NO MONUMENT" signs in Seiad Valley were talking about
Another regulatory boundary
There were many signatures on this disused trail sign
Just a couple Disney princesses over here
Today's trail
More of today's trail
The undergrowth included a lot of these. I couldn't decide whether they were blueberries
One of the few long views today
Near the end of the day, I crossed red and black lava rocks

In the early evening, I was watching for a trail junction that should lead to some water from a pump by a hiker hut. (Huts are common on some other long-distance trails — they’re cabins for hikers to stay in — but the PCT has only a few over its entire length). Instead, I saw some surprisingly large signage.



The sign was surprisingly sturdy and permanent. Whoever made it knew how to build these things.

Soon after, I hit the real junction to the hut.

2/3 of the way to Canada

Outside the hut, a number of hikers were lined up to wash their feet in the pump. Inside, I found quite a bit of trail magic.

Gatorade, watermelon, tangerines, and a note saying "I got the last beer"

I moved on, but not very far. Less than a quarter-mile away, I started seeing signs for more trail magic.



It turned out to be a major operation. Three people who’d hiked the PCT in 2014 has set up sun shades, and were cooking hot food for hikers.

The trail angels, wearing ties and top hats, handed me a menu. Something felt wrong about ordering trail magic from a menu… I got over it though, and had French toast and eggs.

The back of the menu was a Kirkland Light box

After dinner and conversation, it had gotten quite late. I hurried for another hour and a half to one of the very few campsites in the lava rock section, set up my tent, and went to bed without brushing my teeth.


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