Ashland to Hyatt Lake Campground – 8-9

Getting back on the trail was hard. There was so much to miss about my time in Ashland. And, I’d oversupplied, so putting my pack on weighed down on me a lot more than usual.

This cat bid me farewell from Callahan's

The trail was mostly dry and grassy today, with out-of-season thimbleberry plants lining many sections.


I think that's Little Pilot Rock on the right


The trail entered and exited the Soda Mountain Wilderness several times outside of Ashland

There were several noteworthy rocks along the trail too, but I had trouble identifying them. Pilot Rock, Little Pilot Rock, and Joe’s Rock are all candidates for the rocks I saw below.



Later in the day, I approached Hyatt Lake, and the nearby valley.


A hiker had turned the PCT logo on a trailside sign into a pizza slice
Hyatt Lake outflow
A boring-colored snake

Hyatt Lake had a nice campground with electricity, flush toilets, and garbage service, so I stopped there for the night, and chatted with other PCT hikers until late.

2 thoughts on “Ashland to Hyatt Lake Campground – 8-9”

  1. I think you came across a non-venomous racer snake. Hey big was it? Adults or 3 1/2 to 6 feet long. It looked like about 100 feet long to me.

    1. It was definitely on the smaller side, about 3 feet. I assumed it was non-venomous because the head is flush with the body rather than wider. The color was so unassuming I almost stepped on it.

      Of course, later in the day I jumped back in shock from almost stepping on a 7-foot piece of rope.

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