I think I got more mosquito bites yesterday than on the entire rest of the trip. I was up half the night trying not to scratch. Oregon mosquitoes are all business — no swarming around you, they just fly in for the bite, get it, and fly off.
Oregon mosquitoes are no match for a head net and walking with my hands in my pockets
Other than that, today was all about miles. I hiked, hiked, and hiked.
Mt. Thielson from afarGreeting closerFrom the other sideThe first water today came from a stream of molten glacier. Thanks, heat!If this is really the highest point on the PCT in Oregon and Washington, these are low states3000 kilometersRemarkably pale flowers?Is that Pac-Man Lake? No, it's Miller LakeThe trees had shaggy pale green coats in one part of the forestThree trail signs. One is not like the othersSunset in a burn zone. No, that's not poodle dog bushMany miles ago, Elizabeth and I had puzzled over a sign showing a picture of a boot squishing plants, with no explanatory text. This looks like it may be the source. Apparently it meant "don't cut switchbacks".Remember to wash your dishes in a waterfall of frosting
I’d heard from a southbound hiker that there was trail magic at Forest Road 60, where I was planning on camping. But alas, when I got there (Sunday evening), they were gone.
I’ll be taking the Oregon Skyline Trail alternate instead of the official PCT starting tomorrow morning. It’s got more water, gentler slopes, and fewer miles, and I need to go on it part way anyway to get to a resupply point in Shelter Cove. We’ll see how it goes.
43.36796, -122.03384
2 thoughts on “CS1845 to CS1876 – 8-14”
Too bad beauty comes with bugs!! Resupply for itch cream.🙂
Too bad beauty comes with bugs!! Resupply for itch cream.🙂
Great pictures and writing, as always. We felt sad for Benny.