Burnt Rancheria Campground to Sunrise Trailhead

Once again, I’m tired, so I don’t have a lot to say. Which i guess means I’m getting to bed at the right time.
Yesterday night, we’d tried to stay at the lodge in Mount Laguna, only to find that they close at 5PM. Yes, you can’t get a room after 5PM. This morning, we got up early, planning on an early breakfast at the town’s restaurant, but it didn’t open until 9. So we went down to the outfitters, and they didn’t open until 9. So we went down to the grocery store, they didn’t open until 9. The whole town, it seems, is 9 to 5.

Waiting for the Outfitters to Open

So we hung around on the front porch of the outfitters, taking to other backpackers until it opened. We learned about some spectacularly heavy packs that have come through Mount Laguna on the PCT this year, such as a legendary 85-pound pack carried by a guy called “Diego the Warrior”. It included, among many other things, a machete, and even throwing knives.
Soon enough, the outfitter opened, and opening the door led to a backpacker’s wonderland. All sorts of exotic gear is never seen in person was available. But, I only had time to get shoes, and a lighter-colored shirt.

Laguna Mountain Outfitters has everything... So long as you can fit down the aisles

After an excellent breakfast at the town’s now-open restaurant, we went back to camp, and got back on the trail.

Like i said earlier, in tired, so here are some pictures from today.

Elizabeth contemplates the intimidating desert
Skirting the desert
Hiker parking


2 thoughts on “Burnt Rancheria Campground to Sunrise Trailhead”

  1. Hi Marcus!
    Question – why’d you buy shoes there? Was something wrong with the ones you wore?
    And thanks for these updates, it’ll be fun to follow your entries 🙂

    1. Thanks for looking David! I started the trail with old shoes that already had about 500 miles on them, so i needed to replace them at the first good outfitter, and that place was great

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