Things You Hear on the Trail that You Don’t Hear Elsewhere

“I’ve got a dirty liter if you need it.”

“We should’ve spent more time talking to those guys hanging out under the overpass. They sounded like they had good advice.”

“Isn’t this jacket great? I got it from a hiker box! Actually it was a trash can.”

“Sand isn’t improving this string-cheese tortilla roll-up.”

“Oh good, the trail goes uphill, I was getting cold.”

“The McDouble is your best bet.”

“Doesn’t this taste great? And the best part is, that little piece has almost 400 calories!”

“Let’s do the extra 5 miles to that campground, I hear they have toilet paper.”

“Is this just for dogs? Or also for humans?”

“I feel so much better. I’m glad I drank that liter of soda.”

4 thoughts on “Things You Hear on the Trail that You Don’t Hear Elsewhere”

  1. Great posts. You should compile and both of you publish a book “travels in search of beer”? or “Finding harmful plants” subtitled: Which serve no purpose”.
    We are having a heat wave here so I feel your pain.

    1. I was actually talking to Elizabeth about how a blog specifically about beer on the PCT would probably be popular. Blogs about craft beer in general tend to get a lot of readers, and it’s surprising how many PCT trail towns have good beer or even top-tier breweries.

  2. Haha! Nice one Marcus. This list reminds me of our old white board at our old work building 🙂 Phrases taken out of context are always good for a laugh … well, maybe not always … lets go with “can be good for a laugh” 🙂

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