CS2432 to Lake Susan Jane – 9-9

I awoke this morning long before sunlight. It wasn’t the sun that woke me up, it was the cold. Condensation had formed on my quilt, compromising the down’s ability to hold warmth. I shivered for a couple more hours before getting up. We’d had our first frost this morning.

We crossed this steaming stream soon after leaving camp

I was prepared for the worst, but a funny thing happened today: The sky kept getting bluer and bluer.

Exhibit A: Some kind of blue sky. Marcus looks incredulous beneath.

Throughout the morning, it kept getting warmer and warmer, and by lunch we had plenty of sun to dry our wet gear.

Washington being nice to us. What's its game....

Of course, I spent most of the day in gloves, it never really got all that warm. I was cold like usual, just the skies were blue this time.




Mt. Baker in the distance, the last big volcanic mountain before Canada
This mountain wanted to wear cat's ears
One of the tent sites we passed by had a toilet. This is it. The lid ensures that the seat remains damp.

We made it to our planned campsite just as it was getting dark and cold. We set up our tents, and crawled inside for the night.


47.72215, -121.06609

202 miles left.

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