The First Equipment Post

Just some quick pictures of my gear. Base pack weight is, I think, 18.5 pounds, or 21.6 skin out. These aren’t good weights, but I’m testing duplicates of some gear, and I’m expecting to switch out some of my heavier gear, and send home some of my sillier gear.

For reference, “Base pack weight” is the weight of all your equipment, not counting water, food, or fuel, because those depend on how long you will be out, and not counting things you wear, since they’re not in your pack. A good BPW is about 12 pounds, so I’m way over, sadly.

“Skin out” includes everything you’re wearing, including shoes hat, etc.

Forgot to include my water bottle (1L disposable soda bottle), my fuel bottle (8oz Nalgene with sprayer tip), and the penny (same one I used on JMT!)

3 thoughts on “The First Equipment Post”

  1. Wow, looks great! I particularly love the medical supplies. Good luck and have fun, you got this!

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