Lone Pine to CS766 via Trail Pass – 6-18

Note: This post is out of order. It is from earlier in my hike when I didn’t have time to keep my blog up-to-date, so I’m posting it now.

We were ready at 7, but the shuttle never called back. So we went to the town’s coffee shop, and had a nice slow breakfast. A tasty nut-and-seed muffin, a large egg and cheese croissant, a latte, 2 donuts, a can of Pepsi, and a pint of orange juice. Things are all right.

Elizabeth used the cafe computer to set up her Sonora Pass Resupply order — it’s much faster here than at the hostel. The hostel Wi-Fi was slow and unreliable, and the Sonora Pass Resupply site was slow on a phone.

After buying a few last minute resupply items, we decided to try to hitch to Horseshoe Meadow Campground. It’s a long drive, and an unpopular campground, so this is a long shot. But, luck was on our side, and we got a ride with a section hiker who was starting his hike from Horseshoe Meadows.

The ride back to the trailhead gave us a comfortably scenic version of the desert terrain we'd hiked through before

When we started hiking, the trail was very crowded. It’s a popular day for hiking, I suppose.

For humans and canines alike, it seems
Single-file room only
This weather might explain why

We didn’t get very far before lunchtime, and stopped at Chicken Spring Lake to eat. The lake turned out to be brown and unappealing. We decided that Chicken Spring Lake is one of the lower-tier lakes in the Sierras. A group swam in it all the while we ate, making the water even more unappetizing.

For the rest of the day, we hiked fast, trying to make up for the lost time in the morning.




Signs of the Sierras proper in the distance




Our first shoeless creek crossing


By the time we made it to camp, it was late, dark, and cold. As I treated water for the night, my hands got painfully cold.

Sunset came long before camp

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